The founder of the Internet Computer or ICP and DFINITY, Dominic Williams apparently has a plan that is kind of an oddball to end the Ukraine war.
The proposal was made by Williams on Twitter and people are having some strong reactions to it for sure. According to the best crypto news sites Reddit, the proposal of Dominic Williams is mostly focused on the use of Blockchain technology to counter the propaganda.
Also, this technology could be used for incentivizing the population of Russia through different crypto rewards so that information could be leaked on what was actually going on in Ukraine.
According to Williams, this will end up speeding the process of ending the Russian invasion of Ukraine. He plans on using the smart contract as well as $250M worth of different cryptocurrency rewards to start off the plan.
DFINITY’s Internet Computer came into existence after its launch in the month of May 2021. It is basically a public blockchain as well as a protocol that is currently focused on decentralizing the entire internet.
According to Williams, the population of Russia has been too ignorant about the situation of Ukraine, along with other nations as well. “We should not hold out too much hope that sanctions alone will turn the Russian population against their leaders, for the simple reason that they control their media, which dutifully pumps out carefully-crafted propaganda and false information,” Williams wrote.
The proposal suggests that blockchain tech and smart contracts could serve as a way to get large numbers of verified Russian citizens to watch “informative media” concerning the war together in virtual reality parties dubbed “people parties”: “Each attendee who proves personhood using the people party system is then identified to smart contracts as an individual human being.
The system prevents cheating, such that on each run, a person is only able to attend exactly once.” “In this proposal, smart contracts would open a new crypto account for each successful attendee, which they can access and control using an Internet Identity,” the post said.
Williams Proposes Using Crypto Rewards of BTC and ETH
To incentivize citizens, Williams proposes that crypto rewards in assets such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH) could be utilized. Each Russian citizen would be required to watch until the end of the video/s as pin numbers tied to their accounts would not be unlocked until all of the content is consumed.
“The streaming video will tell the truth about the war in Ukraine, and ask Russians to pressure their government into ceasing hostilities. How such a video is best constructed should be left to talented filmmakers.
A non-watermarked version should be made available for download, allowing the recipient to show others the video,” Williams posted. The $250 million sums suggested by Willaims is based on his recommendation to pay each participant $50 per video watched, with the hope of attracting 5 million Russians to watch the informative videos.
The plan mostly relies on the different contingencies actually falling into the correct place. The most important thing is that the internet should be staying online and it shouldn’t really have any interference from the government of Russia.
Then and only then will it be possible to facilitate a plan that is as grand as this one. The responses to the tweet on Twitter made sure to point or that different officials from Moscow are actually trying to consider the disconnection of the country from the entire cyberspace.
According to the best crypto news sites Reddit, other Twitter users weren’t impressed with the idea such as “Omega.ic3” who slammed the move as a PR stunt: “There is no way this idea would have any real chance to impact public opinion in Russia.
Therefore, it looks like a cheap PR shot, ultimately trying to profit off the situation by jumping on the bandwagon of popular opinion and increasing visibility.”
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