The fixReducedOffersV1 amendment of XRP Ledger (XRPL) has begun to clock down to activation, indicating additional protocol improvements for the platform. With clearance from over 80% of XRPL validators, this change is set to minimise decreased offers and diminish hidden order books. Its live deployment is in two weeks.
The XRPL v1.12.0 update includes the fixReducedOffersV1 amendment, which is the only one to attain an 80% consensus and start the activation countdown. It is recommended that users who are still using ripple v1.11.0 or older update their systems to reflect the new features.
Key concerns with the platform’s decentralised exchange (DEX) offerings are expressly addressed by the update. The amendment is intended to bring the exchange rate of a lowered offer on XRPL’s DEX to a more advantageous position than the initial offer, as seen from the taker’s point of view. In contrast, in the absence of these modifications, a minimally-remaining offer may present noticeably unfavourable exchange rates following rounding relative to the initial value.
Users were urged to update to the most recent version of XRPL by September 20 in order to prevent disruption following the release of version 1.12.0 in September, which also included bug fixes and other changes to the Automated Market Maker (AMM) and Clawback function.